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- Mesa.mcc/Mesa.mcc
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Base
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Context
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Display
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_DrawHook
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_DriverBase
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Resized
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_ResizeHook
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Tags
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask
- Mesa.mcc/MUIM_Mesa_Redraw
- Mesa.mcc/Mesa.mcc
- This class allows you to use OpenGL graphics in MUI programs.
- Every Mesa object creates its own rendering context. You can use it and
- issue any GL commands, results will be visible after glFlush().
- Preferable way is to define a draw hook that will be called anytime mesa
- object needs to be refreshed.
- Szymon Ulatowski, szulat@friko6.onet.pl
- Mesa MCC support site:
- http://friko6.onet.pl/rz/szulat/mesamcc/
- AmigaMesaRTL:
- http://kcbbs.gen.nz/~jarno/
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Base
- MUIA_Mesa_Base -- [I.G], struct Library*
- Gives you the "mesamain.library" base, being used by this object. You
- can also specify this tag at creation time to supply your own base (if
- you want to share it across Mesa instances or open the library yourself).
- Otherwise the object opens own library and you have to use this tag value
- as the base for in Mesa function calls.
- You may not share mesaBase when using subtask rendering in multiple
- objects!
- MUIA_Mesa_DriverBase, MUIA_Mesa_Context, MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Context
- MUIA_Mesa_Context -- [..G], AmigaMesaRTLContext
- This is Mesa rendering context used by the object. You may need this value
- for AmigaMesaRTL driver functions.
- In many common circumstances the object sets the context automaticaly.
- You don't need to do call AmigaMesaRTLMakeCurrent() manually:
- - after object creation
- - in DrawHook
- - in ResizeHook
- MUIA_Mesa_Base
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Display
- MUIA_Mesa_Mesa_Display -- [..G], int
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Hidden
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_OK
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Unable
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Waiting
- You can check here, what's the display status of your object.
- Notification is also allowed.
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Hidden: object is not visible at the moment. You can
- use this to prevent from creating the graphics that nobody will see
- (but it steals your cpu time)
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_OK: quantizer was initialized properly and it claims
- the picture is shown to the user
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Unable: a quantizer can not be found or it can not
- display in a given environment
- MUIV_Mesa_Display_Waiting: object is waiting for subtask to render
- the graphics (only if MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask is enabled)
- DoMethod(mesa_ob,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Mesa_Display,MUIV_Mesa_Display_Unable,
- mesa_ob,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_ShortHelp,
- "Alert! You have to select another quantizer module!");
- DoMethod(mesa_ob,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Mesa_Display,MUIV_Mesa_Display_OK,
- mesa_ob,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_ShortHelp,0);
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_DrawHook
- MUIA_Mesa_DrawHook -- [IS.], struct Hook*
- A given hook will be called every time mesa object needs to be
- refreshed. You should put glFlush() at the end of your function if you
- want to see something!
- Before calling your hook the object's context is set as current, so you
- don't have to call MakeCurrent().
- When using subtask rendering, your hook function is executed by
- a background task. You will receive SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D signal when
- your mesa object wants to start a new rendering (eg. because
- the user changed some parameters and expects to see a new picture).
- It's up to you what you do with this signal.
- You can:
- 1.Abort the function and don't call glFlush()
- - In that case Mesa will call it again from the begining
- The user won't see the current drawing, but only the final
- version.
- 2.Ignore the signal
- - User will see your drawing and then mesa will start the next one
- (so we delay that image)
- 3.Draw something quick
- - You can draw a simplified version of the scene (or call glFlush
- without drawing all objects)
- It's the compromise: user will see some feedback immediately and
- also the next image will not be delayed too much
- You should choose the action that is most proper for the application.
- See the demo program for the complete example.
- Draw a wire sphere if the break signal is received or the solid
- one under normal conditions.
- if (CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D))
- glutWireSphere(1.0, 20, 8);
- else
- glutSolidSphere(1.2, 20, 8); break;
- glFlush();
- MUIM_Mesa_Redraw, MUIA_Mesa_Base, MUIA_Mesa_Context,
- MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_DriverBase
- MUIA_Mesa_DriverBase -- [..G], struct Library*
- You can get the value of "mesadriverBase" here. If your object opens its own
- library, you have to use this base in driver functions.
- There is no need to use this tag in single-task or single-object
- applications.
- MUIM_Mesa_Base
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Resized
- MUIA_Mesa_Resized -- [..G], BOOL
- TRUE means the object was resized recently and needs a glViewport()
- call. You can set up a notification on this tag or use it normal way
- (eg. in your redraw funtion)
- MUIA_Mesa_ResizeHook
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_ResizeHook
- MUIA_Mesa_ResizeHook -- [IS.], struct Hook*
- MUIV_Mesa_ResizeHook_DefaultViewport
- Your hook will be called each time the object is resized and you should
- use glViewport() to set display rectangle for Mesa.
- Before calling your hook the proper context is set as current, so you
- don't have to call MakeCurrent().
- Your hook function will receive a pointer to MCCMesaResizeData in A1:
- struct MCCMesaResizeData {long Width,Height;};
- 'Width' and 'Height' are of course the new display size for your object.
- MUIV_Mesa_ResizeHook_DefaultViewport will automatically call
- glViewport(0,0,Width,Height), this may be sufficient in many simple
- cases.
- MUIA_Mesa_Resized, MUIA_Mesa_Base, MUIA_Mesa_Context
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_Tags
- MUIA_Mesa_Tags -- [I..]
- Here you can specify initial Mesa tags. You give a pointer to the tag
- array that will be passed to AmigaMesaRTLCreateContext. Probably you
- need to put here {AMRTL_RGBMode,TRUE,TAG_END} or
- Mesa.mcc/MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask
- MUIA_Mesa_UseSubtask -- [I..], BOOL
- If TRUE, mesa will spawn a new background task for your DrawHook
- and window refresh will not be blocked by mesa objects refreshing.
- 3D rendering can be very time consuming so you should always
- use this tag if you can make your application work safe in
- multitasking.
- Default is FALSE.
- 1. When using this feature, every object has to use different
- mesamainBase (and also glut.library if you use it). This means
- you have to get MUIA_Mesa_Base from the newly created object
- and call the GL functions relative to this base. The only exception
- is if you have only one mesa object, you can use global mesa
- base in that case.
- 2. Mesa drawing functions use lot of stack space. If you don't use
- subtask rendering, your main task should have stack bigger than
- 70000. Object creation will fail otherwise.
- With 'UseSubtask' enabled, the new process will automaticaly get
- a big stack.
- 3. You should check if your application supports multitasking. Is it
- designed to let many tasks access the data used by your drawing routine?
- MUIA_Mesa_Base, MUIA_Mesa_DrawHook
- Mesa.mcc/MUIM_Mesa_Redraw
- MUIM_Mesa_Redraw
- Ask the object to redraw itself (DrawHook will be called).
- A button starts image rendering:
- DoMethod(button,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Selected,0,
- mesa_ob,1,MUIM_Mesa_Redraw);
- MUIA_Mesa_DrawHook